Vaisala Thermal Mapping

Some sections of a highway or runway will always be warmer or colder than others. This pattern of temperature variation is determined by local environmental factors and prevailing weather conditions. On a winter's night minimum pavement surface temperatures may vary by up to 7.0°C, creating problems for winter maintenance engineers dealing with snow and ice hazards. Thermal Mapping is a vehicle-based survey technique, scientifically proven to identify and quantify the distribution of temperature differences across a network.

Key benefits of Thermal Mapping:

  • Identification of danger areas that may not be apparent from only using weather stations.

  • Identifies the optimum location and number of weather stations.

  • Enables the provision of Forecast Thermal Maps in an IceCast system.

  • Enables selective anti-icing strategies that only target those areas in need of treatment.

  • Key input data for Route Optimisation.

  • Provides quantitative reference data.


Vaisala has over 15 years experience in the provision and development of Thermal Mapping services. We have an international client base of over 250 users, operating in a variety of different winter climates: Western Europe, North America, Japan, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.