Vaisala Rail Weather Stations

Railways and metro systems are special environments with unique requirements and regulations.  Vaisala can supply rail, light rail and metro system authorities with modular, automatic weather stations that are specially adapted to the railway environment from the widely used ROSA Ice Warning stations.

Designed specifically for the Rail Weather system, Vaisala supplies a non contact sensor which gives accurate measurements of real-time temperature and state of the overhead contact wire.  This sensor is located close to, but at a safe distance from, the overhead contact wire.

Specially designed rail sensors allow accurate measurements of rail temperature to be made.

Broschyr Järnvägssystem


ROSA Ice Warning Station
The combination of Vaisala's ROSA Ice Warning Station and IceCast communication and display software is an easy-to-use, cost-effective solution for the remote detection of hazardous surface conditions. The ROSA Ice Warning Station ...