What is Thermal Mapping?
Vehicle-based ground surveys used to determine the distribution of night-time surface temperatures across highway and runways networks. Applications: locating weather station; input for ice prediction systems; and route optimisation...
Factors influencing Thermal Mapping
The pattern of temperature across a highway or runway is determined by local environmental factors and prevailing weather conditions. On any given winter night, this will lead to some sections always being relatively warmer or colder than others...
Thermal Mapping weather conditions
To establish the relationship between local environmental factors and prevailing weather, Thermal Mapping uses three distinct weather categories to identify the changes in surface temperature variation...
Thermal Fingerprints
For each survey route the surface temperature data is plotted against the route average to create a Thermal Fingerprint. They are a unique signature of a highway/runway and quantify the magnitude of temperature variation...
Thermal Maps
Thermal Fingerprint data is analysed to establish the average pavement surface temperature for the survey network. The Thermal Fingerprint data is then divided into 1.0 oC colour bands to indicate by how much the pavements temperatures ...
Thermal Mapping applications
Thermal Mapping offers the basis for the optimal and accurate location of road weather stations; for route optimisation; and as an input for ice prediction systems to generate forecast thermal maps...